Sunday, December 9, 2012


The picture that I’m going to analyze is: “Las meninas”.

This picture has been painted using the oleo technique in 1656 by Diego Velázquez, the leading artist of the Spanish Golden Age. The work's complex and enigmatic composition raises about reality and illusion and creates an uncertain relationship between the viewer and the figures depicted. Because of these complexities, "Las Meninas" has been one of the most widely analyzed works in western painting.

The painting appears to centre around la ” Infanta Margarita”, who is surrounded by her ladies in waiting , the family dog and two dwarfs. Whilst most people's attention seems to be on her, Velázquez has once again proved that those people normally kept 'behind the scenes, are also worthy of being painted. The fact that the picture is entitled 'Las Meninas' reinforces this. To the left of Margarita we find Velázquez himself, paintbrush and easel in hand, poised in front of an enormous canvas. By including himself in the main part of the painting Velázquez is asserting his own position as an artist.

However, the scene does not stop there. The most intriguing part of the painting is the fact that Velázquez has chosen to include the King and Queen only by their hazy reflections in the mirror which hangs on the back wall. He cleverly plays with perspective here and hence blurs the clarity and obviousness in his painting. 

I think that Velázquez painted this picture with a very good perspective, I like this image because it cause different opinions about it and has a lot of information.

By: Lucía Herrero 3ºC

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