Sunday, March 8, 2015

CALENDAR 3rd . LEVEL 2nd. Assesment

MONDAY 9th - 

  • EXERCISES 2.3 Y 2.4 finished ( Textures and flat shapes) 
  • EXERCISES 3.2 y 3.3 ongoing

FRIDAY 13 th

I won´t be in the classroom because I´ve to go to the hospital so you have to work preparing the next exercise 3.1 drawing at least, the three hexagons. We´ll paint the colour wheel int he classroom, all together (teamwork)


Printing engraving.
Exercise 3.1 painting

Exercises 3,2 y 3,3 finished , Exercise 3.1 ongoing

MONDAY 23rd.

Exercise 3.1. completed
Review of presentations.

Tasks for the total score of the term:

  1. Engraving: Tracing paper, linoleum plate and printed papers.
  2. Work about painters and presentations. Post on blog.
  3. Exercise 2,3- 2.4
  4. Exercise 3.1  - 3.2  - 3.3