Monday, October 27, 2014

Well first I start to think abaut what animals can be good for making logos finally I dicided to make it abaut a cat. Then I search at Internet for some cat images the ones I use to draw the cat icon. After this process I use a paper and I start drawingsome cats in an easy mode after minutes I think making one cat inside another could be a good symbol because the small cat can represent like its playing with a ball of wool. And finally y start drawing and writting " cat" in the much shapes I can and result was this the word cat with and "m" traying to make it similar to a cat ears. Javier García Álvarez from 3 A. 

1 comment:

  1. Pay attention to some mistakes on your post, but I consider that´s very well explained and your description of the process contains so pretty details. Drawings are absolutely beautiful . Great job!
