This animal have been used for so many iconic represations, incluying being the national bird of India in 1963. In this country they represent in the art, mythology, poetry, folk-music and traditions.
A story in the Uttara Ramayana describes the head of the Devas, Indra, who unable to defeat Ravana, sheltered under the wing of peacock and later blessed it with a "thousand eyes" and fearlessness from serpents. Another story has Indra who after being cursed with a thousand ulcers was transformed into a peacock with a thousand eyes. In Buddhist philosophy, the peacock represents wisdom. Peacock feathers are used in many rituals and ornamentation. Peacock motifs are widespread in Indian temple architecture, old coinage, textiles and continue to be used in many modern items of art and utility. In Greek mythology the origin of the peacocks plumage is explained in the tale of Hera and Argus. The main figure of the Kurdish religion Yezidism, Melek Taus, is most commonly depicted as a peacock. Peacock motifs are widely used even today such as in logo of the US NBC television network and the Sri Lankan Airlines.
The peacock is originary from the India, where Alejandro Magno catch it in there conquests in Babilonia, and where there also die. These animal extend into Persia and where the romans catch into Italia.
These birds were often kept in menageries and as ornaments in large gardens and estates. A reference in the Bible mentions a peacock owned by King Solomon. In medieval times, knights in Europe took a "Vow of the Peacock" and decorated their helmets with its plumes. Feathers were buried with Viking warriors and the flesh of the bird was said to cure snake venom and many other maladies. Numerous uses in Ayurveda have been documented. Peafowl were said to keep an area free of snakes. In 1526, the legal issue as to whether peacocks were wild or domestic fowl was thought sufficiently important for Cardinal Wolsey to summon all the English judges to give their opinion, which was that they are domestic fowl.
In Anglo-Indian usage of the 1850s, to peacock meant making visits to ladies and gentlemen in the morning. In the 1890s, the term "peacocking" in Australia referred to the practice of buying up the best pieces of land ("picking the eyes") so as to render the surrounding lands valueless. The English word "peacock" has come to be used to describe a man who is very proud or gives a lot of attention to his clothing.
The peacock where into the NBC logo. A TV channel in South America. A DJ have been also catch this animal to their company. Another, not so much knowing by the people, is a restaurant in Panmá called "Pavo real". Finally, an internacional conexion, called "Hafla" use the plumage of the peacock.

But this animal also attack. Two months ago, one peacock attacked a little boy in a park in Gijon. The boy were going to give him some bread and the animal gave a peck to the boy.
By: Bruno Álvarez & Nel Suárez
Images: Google Images
Text: Wikipedia