George born May 6 1961 is an American actor ,film director , producer , and screenmriter.
Clooney is also noted for his political activism and has served as one of the United Nations Messengers of Peace since January 31,2008.
He made his acting debut on television in 1978 Clooney gained fame and recognition by portraying Dr.Douglas "Doug".
Clooney's humanitarian work includes his advocacy of finding a resolution for the Darfur conflict, raising funds for the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and creating documentaries such as Sand and Sorrow to raise awareness about international crises .
He is also a membre of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Clooney was married to actress Talia Balsam from 1989 until they divorced in1993 .He has said that he will never marry again.
Clooney is one of to have been given the title of "Sexiest Man Alive"twice by People Magazine ; firts in1997 and again in 2006, Clooney was named one of Time magazine,s 100 Most People in the World in 2007,2008 and 2009.On Septembre 21 , 2007 , Clooney and then -girlfriend Sarah Larson were injured in a motorcycle accident in Weehawken , New Jersey.
He is a normal man, he had a pet, Max, was a pig. Max died of naturals causes and he also owned two bulldogs. Boths dogs have died.
Clooney's main home is in Los Angeles. His villa in Italy is in the village of Laglio, on Lake Como.
He is a famous actor and an attractive man. He works in TV in Spain, he is very famous with the coffee. He wins a lot of money.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
Portrait of My Dead Brother.
Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech was born on May 11, 1904 in the town of Figures, in the Empordá region close to the French border in Catalonia, Spain. Dalí's older brother, also named Salvador (born October 12, 1901), had died of gastroenteritis nine months earlier, on August 1, 1903. After birth, the painter was named after his dead brother (similarly to Van Gogh).
Of his brother, Dalí said,... "(we) resembled each other like two drops of water, but we had different reflections."
In Portrait of My Dead Brother, Dalí emulates the dot pattern seen in half-tone newspaper photographs. The face of the boy is created by a dot matrix, a technique that was widely used in the Pop Art period of the Sixties.
Beneath the boy is a miniature depiction of Millet´s The Angelus. Dalí believed that trough an X-ray of The Angelus, it would be proved that the basket over with the couple are praying was initially the coffin for a child. Salvador Dalí was fascinated by this work, and wrote and analysis for it. The Tragic Myth of The Angelus of Millet.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
M. C. Escher

I think Escher was amazing, because he used difficult techniques and mathematics in his works.
I put here some images, but I recommend you t

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
La profesora y administradora de este blog declara no tener relación económica o contractual con esta organización.
Les agradecemos mucho el abrir su hogar y su corazón a un joven de los Estados Unidos. Esperamos que esta experiencia sea tan enriquecedora y entretenida para usted como estamos seguros será para su joven huésped.
Nivel del lenguaje y comunicación: La mayoría han estudiado español por 2 o 3 años únicamente. Su acento y parte de su vocabulario serán nuevos para ellos, y se sorprenderán de lo rápido que habla. Así como cada familia es diferente, cada estudiante lo es también, y ninguna cantidad de preparación puede cubrir toda situación. Algunos serán extrovertidos, algunos serán más corteses, algunos más abiertos, otros menos aventureros. La experiencia será una aventura de aprendizaje cuando todos pongan de su parte para entender las diferencias y disfrutar lo que descubren!
El Colegio: Si su estudiante se encuentra con usted mientras está en la escuela, será muy interesante para él o ella acompañarlo.
Seguros medicos: Si su estudiante se enferma o se ve envuelto en un accidente, por favor haga exactamente lo que haría por su propio hijo. Los participantes en el programa están cubiertos por un seguro médico muy completo. Si necesitan un tratamiento médico menor, deben pagar el costo de la visita médica allí mismo y necesitan un recibo por el monto pagado. Mandarán ese recibo a la nosotros para que se les devuelva el dinero. Por favor contacte al coordinador o su profesor de inmediato.
El consumo de alcohol/tobaco/las drogas está estrictamente prohibida. Como participantes del programa de Language and Friendship, todos los estudiantes han firmado un acuerdo en el que se expresa que no consumirán bebidas con contenido alcohólico, ni fumar, ni tomar drogas/marijuan. También está estrictamente regulado en los Estados Unidos. Para los estudiantes de colegio, las consecuencias son severas, Para sus profesores tambien, se pueden prohibir este tipo de viaje si los alumnos no siguen las reglas Es responsabilidad del estudiante rechazar cortésmente el ofrecimiento. Por favor no les ofrezca alcohol. ¡Gracias!
Manejar cualquier tipo de vehículo motorizado o montar en moto como pasajero está estrictamente prohibido, para seguridad de los estudiantes y por motivos del seguro.
Teléfono/internet: Recomendamos que los estudiantes no se ponen en contacto a sus padres y amigos en casa. El contacto frecuente aumenta la posibilidad de nostalgia y frenan la integración con su familia anfitriona. Hay poco tiempo y mucho para descubrir.
Dinero para gastar: Los estudiantes traen consigo dinero para gastos normales como ir al cine, helados y souvenirs o regalos que quieran llevar de vuelta. Siéntase en confianza de explicarle al estudiante qué espera que pague por sí mismo.
Todos en Language & Friendship, así como los profesores de idiomas, queremos que cada estudiante y cada familia tengan una experiencia maravillosa. Si llegara a sentirse incómodo con el progreso de su estudiante al integrarse con su familia, le pedimos que converse sobre su preocupación abierta y directamente con el estudiante. Si necesita sugerencias o consejo, por favor siéntase en confianza de contactar al coordinador o al profesor guía en cualquier momento.
Cuando una experiencia depende de las relaciones humanas, es natural que emerjan situaciones que ameriten atención adicional y diplomacia! Queremos ayudar y estaremos en la mejor disposición de hacer lo necesario para asistirlos.
Estamos sumamente agradecidos con todas nuestras familias anfitrionas! Están ofreciendo una maravillosa oportunidad a estos estudiantes y a su vez contribuyendo con el entendimiento internacional. Esperamos que encuentre que esta experiencia sea de gran provecho para usted y su familia.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
He´s got dark skin. He wear a blue shirt, necktie and a grey jacket. He wear a brown hat on head.
He has blacks eyebrow, a aquiline nose and a sad look.
Eduard Hopper, a very important artist of XX century, is the painter of the U.S.A reality. He born on 1882 in New York. His works are a mix of dreams and reality that look into loneliness of contemporary men.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
An optical illusion is an illusion of our sight sense, that makes us perceive the reality wrongly. This illusions are used in some arts, like cinema or paintings. In arts, they're called trompe-l'oeils:

There are many types of optical illusions. Some of them are:
- Stereoscopic images: if you cross your eyes lightly, you can mix two similar images to create a 3-dimensions one.

- Autostereogram: if you cross your eyes standing 30 cm in front of these images, you'll see as if it had 3-dimensions relief. In the first one you'll see a heart, in the second one, a shark.

- Motion illusions: if you move your head towards and backwards the picture, looking at the point of the centre, you'll see the two circles move.

- Other effects: In the first case, all the lines are pallalel, even though they don't seem to be. In the second image, the two circles are the same size.

El Greco's portrait
El Greco was a famous painter of the sixteen and seventeen century. He was born in Creta, Greece, in 1541 and died in 1614, in Toledo, Spain. His real name was Doménikos Theotokópoulos but they call him El Greco. He draws with a quick stroke (he don't stop in details).
In this portrait he was more less 55 years old. He has big eyes and a direct look. He has elongated ears and a brown chin. He has a narrow face and the hair is brown. He has small lips and a rosy cheeks. He wears typical clothes of his time. His eyebrows are small and he has a wide forehead. He has a big nose and some freckles.
In this portrait he was more less 55 years old. He has big eyes and a direct look. He has elongated ears and a brown chin. He has a narrow face and the hair is brown. He has small lips and a rosy cheeks. He wears typical clothes of his time. His eyebrows are small and he has a wide forehead. He has a big nose and some freckles.
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