The last film I've saw was "Un lugar para soñar" it was published this last days of christmas on cinemas. I am not use to going to the cinema but this film was a exception because when I saw the trairler on TV I really like it. I wasn't mistaken. I went to cinema to see it once it was rainning a lot . When I go out of the cinema I was enthusiatic I had enjoy the film a lot because it is not an usual tipe of film. It had different topics as family, frindly, love.... I'd recommend it to everyone who loves simply but brilliant films at he same time. Here there is a simply summary:
A man who had recently lost his wife have to look after his two children. To do it he decided to move to a countrysida place far from the city (where he had many remembers of his wife).This new house was perfect at first sight but there was a problem, this house was an old zoo too. So with the help of all the family and some zookepers and despites many problems, he finally get the zoo and make it famous again.