Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Switch off lights!

Thursday, December 19, 2019
Merry Christmas, dear pupils!
1.- Currently, there are a lot of Art exhibitions in Asturias, very interesting the majority of them.
Otherwise, you can choose another one of your interest or located where you spend these holidays.
Put pen on paper and write a brief comment (in English, 2 -3 lines) about your experience on your Artist notebook. At least add one photo and one drawing related to.
2- You know the need of saving energy . Every day, we waste a lot of electricity because nobody switch off lights of the classroom.
Design an icon that represents this idea in a simple and clear way :
Only sketches. We will work the activity in the next classes. Try to be original and creative.
1.- Currently, there are a lot of Art exhibitions in Asturias, very interesting the majority of them.
Otherwise, you can choose another one of your interest or located where you spend these holidays.
Put pen on paper and write a brief comment (in English, 2 -3 lines) about your experience on your Artist notebook. At least add one photo and one drawing related to.
2- You know the need of saving energy . Every day, we waste a lot of electricity because nobody switch off lights of the classroom.
Design an icon that represents this idea in a simple and clear way :
Monday, May 13, 2019
COLOUR WHEEL: Step by step
I did this short stop-motion in order to illustrate better how you draw the basic lines of your colour wheel. Go ahead! It is very easy!
Thursday, April 25, 2019
My totem animal: the bird
The bird
Its ability to fly turns birds into symbolic messengers between Heaven and Earth. They also represent souls, for flight implies the release of the physical restrictions of the world.
In Egyptian art, bird-headed deities symbolize the spiritual side of human nature. Tradition has linked them with wisdom, intelligence and speed of thought; the expression "I was told by a bird" (in spanish me lo dijo un pajarito)comes from the belief that birds communicate secrets. Also for the Feng Shui, the birds are carriers of good news, they predict growth,prosperity and good fortune.
-Symbology: The bird always been something fascinating for men. A symbol of clairvoyance, divination and spiritual freedom. When we talk about the symbolism of birds we must understand all the myths and symbols that our ancestors related to birds, or what these beings inspired in them, we must first make a parallel between the fish that populate the seas and birds that populate the heavens.
For the ancient man, observing the similarity between fish and birds led him to be fascinated by the wonders of nature: fish covered with scales, birds with feathers; the first formed by fins that allowed them to move at great speed through the depths of the oceans while the wings of the birds allowed them to fly through the skies. Giving rise to the myths of the woman-fish or the bird-man as if they projected their desire to swim freely in the immensity of the ocean or to fly to the highest part of the sky.
-Uses: In diverse cultures and religious traditions they have been used for a long time the birds to symbolize the spirit of man. The birds have represented the potential of the human spirit for escape from the bonds of earthly life and ascend to a higher spiritual reality. Although in diverse cultures there are thousands of symbolic meanings associated with birds, much of Sufi literature somehow connects birds with the soul.
-The bird has always been one of my favorite animal, and i have decided to choose it as my totem animal because when i see them they always remind me of freedom and calmness,which are two things that i feel identify with and i think we should have them present everyday.
Monday, April 15, 2019
My totemic animal
The jaguar, or Phantera Onca "all beast" in Latin, is the biggest carnivore feline in America. His normal weight is between 56 and 98 kg, and his length without the tail (+75 cm) is 1,60-180 cm. The structure of his body allows him to climb, swim and crawl very easily. His skull is very powerful, because he also kills his preys biting their neck with the 2nd more powerful bite in mammals. His skin is covered with thousands of black and coffee spots, admired by some painters.
In ancient cultures, jaguar represents:
-Colombia: magical, supernatural powers.
-Mexico: day 14 of the calendar, for a warrior, cloth his skin represents power and good luck in battle.
-Mesoamerica: so many sculptures represents a mix of a man and a jaguar.
-Peru: associated with shamanic practice, if the ritual was done great, the shaman takes the power of the jaguar, but if the ritual was done bad, the shaman gets transformed into an monster that eats people.
-Mayas: they represent the line between live and dead, they can be your spiritual guard, some jaguar get chosen by the kings to protect their palaces of enemy.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
MY TOTEM ANIMAL Héctor Prieto 3rd D
Héctor Prieto Sánchez 3rd D
I feel identified with the goat because it is my horoscope animal.
The goat is a vertebrate animal, mammal and herbivore with horns, a kind of beard and fur all over the body.
Nowadays the goat is a farm animal that is used for milk, cheese and leather.
According to mythology the goat was a highly venerated animal in Mendes in Egypt. It was forbidden to kill her, because they believed that Pan, great divinity of this city, had hidden under the figure of a goat because of this he was represented with the face of this animal.
While in Mendes this animal was revered and the sheep immolated, in Tebaida on the contrary they venerated the sheep and sacrificed the goats. Among the Greeks, they were consecrated to Jupiter, in memory of the nymph Amalthea who was the nurse of Jupiter and who is represented as the goat that nursed him in a cave in Crete. The Spartans immolated Juno. The Romans in their medals, represented Juno Sospila with a goat skin.
In Spain the goat its also very important for the Spanish militar legion.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
"Totem Animal" by Alejandro Morís Lara
My totem Animal
I have choosen the bird. The bird is a vertebrated which live all oround the world. The great majority can fly except for the penguin. They have a peak and usually fur. Some examples of this animals can be the buzzard, the baker bird or the canary. Birds were very special in greek mythology. The "AVE FENIX" was considered sacred. This bird was expected to burn out and reborn, greek people made a methafora with life, "don´t be afraid of dieying because you will reborn". Humans associate birds with wisseness, aim and to chill out probably because birds always have the same roll in films and in videogames. In tattoo world, birds have became very popular, specially during the last decade, they express freedom and luck.
I have choosen this animal because I think it represents me in the way that I don´t like having frontiers, I like beeing free.
Alejandro Morís Lara 3ºChttps://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjrsZPPyMHhAhVDXhoKHexTCk8QjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fes.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FPasser_domesticus&psig=AOvVaw1sZqQyuaXDQc0_QMhlmtpk&ust=1554849690258621 (link to a photo of a bird)
I have choosen the bird. The bird is a vertebrated which live all oround the world. The great majority can fly except for the penguin. They have a peak and usually fur. Some examples of this animals can be the buzzard, the baker bird or the canary. Birds were very special in greek mythology. The "AVE FENIX" was considered sacred. This bird was expected to burn out and reborn, greek people made a methafora with life, "don´t be afraid of dieying because you will reborn". Humans associate birds with wisseness, aim and to chill out probably because birds always have the same roll in films and in videogames. In tattoo world, birds have became very popular, specially during the last decade, they express freedom and luck.
I have choosen this animal because I think it represents me in the way that I don´t like having frontiers, I like beeing free.
Alejandro Morís Lara 3ºChttps://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjrsZPPyMHhAhVDXhoKHexTCk8QjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fes.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FPasser_domesticus&psig=AOvVaw1sZqQyuaXDQc0_QMhlmtpk&ust=1554849690258621 (link to a photo of a bird)
"Totem Animal" by Alejandro Morís Lara
My totem Animal
I have choosen the bird. The bird is a vertebrated which live all oround the world. The great majority can fly except for the penguin. They have a peak and usually fur. Some examples of this animals can be the buzzard, the baker bird or the canary. Birds were very special in greek mythology. The "AVE FENIX" was considered sacred. This bird was expected to burn out and reborn, greek people made a methafora with life, "don´t be afraid of dieying because you will reborn". Humans associate birds with wisseness, aim and to chill out probably because birds always have the same roll in films and in videogames. In tattoo world, birds have became very popular, specially during the last decade, they express freedom and luck.
I have choosen this animal because I think it represents me in the way that I don´t like having frontiers, I like beeing free.
Alejandro Morís Lara 3ºChttps://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjrsZPPyMHhAhVDXhoKHexTCk8QjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fes.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FPasser_domesticus&psig=AOvVaw1sZqQyuaXDQc0_QMhlmtpk&ust=1554849690258621 (link to a photo of a bird)
I have choosen the bird. The bird is a vertebrated which live all oround the world. The great majority can fly except for the penguin. They have a peak and usually fur. Some examples of this animals can be the buzzard, the baker bird or the canary. Birds were very special in greek mythology. The "AVE FENIX" was considered sacred. This bird was expected to burn out and reborn, greek people made a methafora with life, "don´t be afraid of dieying because you will reborn". Humans associate birds with wisseness, aim and to chill out probably because birds always have the same roll in films and in videogames. In tattoo world, birds have became very popular, specially during the last decade, they express freedom and luck.
I have choosen this animal because I think it represents me in the way that I don´t like having frontiers, I like beeing free.
Alejandro Morís Lara 3ºChttps://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjrsZPPyMHhAhVDXhoKHexTCk8QjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fes.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FPasser_domesticus&psig=AOvVaw1sZqQyuaXDQc0_QMhlmtpk&ust=1554849690258621 (link to a photo of a bird)
Saturday, April 6, 2019
My “totem” animal is the deer.
The deer is a mammal of the cervidae family. Deer are native to all continents except Australia and Antarctica, and many species have been widely introduced beyond their original habitats as game animals. In all but one species of deer, males carry antlers; the exception is the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), in which both sexes carry antlers. Deer are specialized herbivores, as is reflected in their large and complex digestive organs, their mobile lips, and the size and complexity of their teeth. The most usual colour for this kind of animals is light brown.
When you have the deer as spirit animal, you are highly sensitive and have a strong intuition. By affinity with this animal, you have the power to deal with challenges with grace. You master the art of being both determined and gentle in your approach. The deer totem wisdom gives those with a special connection with this animal the ability to be vigilant, move quickly, and trust their instincts to get out the most difficult situations.
The meanings associated with the deer combine both soft, gentle qualities with strength and determination:
- Gentleness
- Ability to move through life and obstacles with grace
- Being in touch with inner child, innocence
- Being sensitive and intuitive
- Vigilance, ability to change directions quickly
- Magical ability to regenerate, being in touch with life’s mysteries
In Buddhism, the deer is a symbol of peace and harmony as well as longevity. In a past life, Buddha himself was a golden deer who spoke to men. Many native North American tribes see the deer as a messenger of Spirit who represents sensitivity and intuition.
Saturday, March 16, 2019
Seagram building

Seagram building is a skyscraper of offices in New York.
The architects of this building are Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Philip Johnson.
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe: Born in Germany in 1886, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe broke new ground with his architectural designs. He started out as a draftsman before striking out later on is own. During World War I, Mies served in the German military. He then became a well-known architect in Gemany, creating such structures as the German Pavilion for the 1929 Barcelona Exposition. In the late 1930s, Mies emigrated to the United States. There he created such well-known Modernist works as the Lake Shore Drive Apartments and the Seagram Building. He died in 1969.
Philip Johnson: Philip Johnson was an architect and theorist who esigned his own home,the Glass House, New Canaan, ct, on principles of space unification derived from Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, with whom he designed the Seagram Building skyscraper, New York City (1945). Further works include the Amon Carter Museum of Western Art, TX (1961) and the New York State Theater, Lincoln Center (1964). He was the inaugural winner of the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 1979.
Seagram building is 157 metres tall and it has 37 floors. It was started in 1954 and it was completed in 1958.
The Seagram building has an international style and íts architecture is modern.
It is located at 375 Park Avenue, between 52nd Street and 53rd Street in Midtown Manhattan, New York City.
The Seagram building was built of a steel frame, from which non-structural glass walls were hung. Mies would have preferred the steel frame to be visible to all; howeever, American building codes required that allstructural steel be coveed in a fireproof material, usually concrete, because improperly protected steel columns or beams may soften and fail in confined fires. Other materials they used for this building were marble for the plaza benches, travertine for the lobby walls and floor, tinted glass and bronze for thr curtain wall.
The skyscraper is prism-shaped.I think it is a huge and an elegant building.
Friday, March 15, 2019
This work is from Celia Bobo 3ºD
Ancient Greeks built this temple
Its style is Greek Style: They used principally stone, they used elements such as columns…
This building is a Greek temple of the city of Agrigento, an old Greek city called Akragas that now belongs to Italy, in the Valle dei Templi or Valley of the Temples, an archaeological site where there are many temples.
Its function was, as it´s a temple, religious. Archaeologists doesn’t know yet to who was it dedicated.
Now it can be visited, so its function is cultural function.
Stone, wood (for the beams).
Its prism-shaped (the structure of the temple), cylinder-shaped (the columns, which are cylinders) and it´s also pyramid-shaped (Its roof, that is a pyramid)
I chose this building because I like history and I also like Greek Mythology, so I think It´s a very interesting a beautiful building. It´s old and well-balanced; and I also think it´s an elegant temple
In the construction of the basilica some of the most renowned architects in history worked, such as Donato Bramante, Michelangelo and Bernini. Donato di Pascuccio d'Antonio, known as Bramante was an Italian painter and architect, who introduced the style of the first Renaissance in Milan and the High Renaissance in Rome. Michelangelo Buonarroti, known in Spanish as Miguel Ángel, was an Italian Renaissance architect, sculptor and painter, considered one of the greatest artists in history both for his sculptures and for his paintings and architectural works. He developed his artistic work over more than seventy years between Florence and Rome, which was where his great patrons lived, the Medici family of Florence and the different Roman popes. Gian Lorenzo Bernini was an Italian sculptor, architect and painter. He worked mainly in Rome and is considered the most outstanding sculptor of his generation, creator of the baroque sculptural style. Its construction lasted from the Renaissance to the modern age so its styles are Renaissance and Baroque. It is located in the Vatican City in St. Peter's Square. It has a residential as well as a religious cultural function. Its shape is like a cube the base and a hemisphere the dome, so I think it is amazing, original, huge and elegant, since I personally like the classic rather than the modern
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Puerta de Europa (KIO towers) - Torre del Oro
Puerta de Europa (KIO Towers): Puerta de Europa are two twin skycrapers inclined offices with a height of 114 meters and 26 floors located in the Plaza de Castilla in Madrid. The towers have a parallelepiped shape and an inclination of 14.3 degrees. They belong to Bankia and Realia. They were built between 1989 and 1996 by Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas mainly of glass, granite and metal, the architects were Philip Johnson and John Burgee. It belongs to the post-modern architecture style. In spite of all the problems found by this two towers, either targets of attempted attacks or of the economic crisis, the KIO Towers are still in perfect condition to the present.

Torre del Oro: The Torre del Oro is a tower that forms part of a fortified area on the banks of Guadalquivir. It was buit by order of the Almohad governor of Sevilla, Abù l-Ulà between the years 1220and 1221 in an almohad style with stone, probably sandstone. It has got a duodecaedric cylinder floor. It was the most important defensive building of the Almohad city defensive system in it's begginings but after Sevilla was conquered by the christian army, it were used first as chapeland then as prision. The legend claims that it was also used as a store of silver and gold because it is located near Casa de la Moneda but it is compleatly false. I It was owned by many different empires in the history, ven thought it's shape is still almost the same.

Torre del Oro: The Torre del Oro is a tower that forms part of a fortified area on the banks of Guadalquivir. It was buit by order of the Almohad governor of Sevilla, Abù l-Ulà between the years 1220and 1221 in an almohad style with stone, probably sandstone. It has got a duodecaedric cylinder floor. It was the most important defensive building of the Almohad city defensive system in it's begginings but after Sevilla was conquered by the christian army, it were used first as chapeland then as prision. The legend claims that it was also used as a store of silver and gold because it is located near Casa de la Moneda but it is compleatly false. I It was owned by many different empires in the history, ven thought it's shape is still almost the same.
Gonzalo Torrente Bermúdez - 3rd A
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
The Luxor Hotel Building
By Sara Iravedra, Laura Bonhomme and Inés Carvajal.
It is a very famous hotel and casino situated in the southern end of Las Vegas, Nevada (EE.UU). It was renovated in 1998, 2007, 2008 and 2009, and now it has around 4000 bedrooms. It is pyramid-shaped, so it has four equal faces that are triangles, because it seems to be an Egyptian pyramid and all the hotel is decorated for looking that way. The name of the hotel comes from the Egyptian city of Luxor.
It started to be built in March 1992 and it opened in October 1993 (25 years ago) for a crowd of 10.000 people. As we said before, there were many renovations in the hotel. The one of 2007 was because a vehicle exploted in the garage of the building and a man died because the hotel and casino weren ́t evacuated.
We think it is a very large sculpture, very tall and very curious to be a hotel, we think it is a modern sculpture and very interesting, the colors make it very elegant, it is also very curious that it is in the middle of the city.

It is a very famous hotel and casino situated in the southern end of Las Vegas, Nevada (EE.UU). It was renovated in 1998, 2007, 2008 and 2009, and now it has around 4000 bedrooms. It is pyramid-shaped, so it has four equal faces that are triangles, because it seems to be an Egyptian pyramid and all the hotel is decorated for looking that way. The name of the hotel comes from the Egyptian city of Luxor.
It started to be built in March 1992 and it opened in October 1993 (25 years ago) for a crowd of 10.000 people. As we said before, there were many renovations in the hotel. The one of 2007 was because a vehicle exploted in the garage of the building and a man died because the hotel and casino weren ́t evacuated.
We think it is a very large sculpture, very tall and very curious to be a hotel, we think it is a modern sculpture and very interesting, the colors make it very elegant, it is also very curious that it is in the middle of the city.
Building of China Media Groups
By Sara Iravedra, Laura Bonhomme and Inés Carvajal.
It is in Pekin, the capital city of China. It is used as the headquarter of the China Media Groups (CMG). In spanish it is called “Sede de la Televisión Central de China”. Its shape is formed by the union of six prism-shaped blocks, and depending of the perspective it can look like a square or many other kinds of shapes ( always depending of the perspective).
It was started to be built the 1st June 2004 and was finished the 16th May 2012, but there was a problem because in 2009 a fire appeared because of some fireworks, so after that, it had to be renovated.
We think that the building is not well-balanced because it is huge and its structure is so complicated (because it has many sides and faces). It is also very curiuous for looking at it from different perspectives. This building is not classic or elegant because it is used for television, so in fact it is a very modern construction.
It has 44 floors, it has 473.000 squared meters and it is 234 meters high, and it cost 850.000.000 €.
It is in Pekin, the capital city of China. It is used as the headquarter of the China Media Groups (CMG). In spanish it is called “Sede de la Televisión Central de China”. Its shape is formed by the union of six prism-shaped blocks, and depending of the perspective it can look like a square or many other kinds of shapes ( always depending of the perspective).
It was started to be built the 1st June 2004 and was finished the 16th May 2012, but there was a problem because in 2009 a fire appeared because of some fireworks, so after that, it had to be renovated.
We think that the building is not well-balanced because it is huge and its structure is so complicated (because it has many sides and faces). It is also very curiuous for looking at it from different perspectives. This building is not classic or elegant because it is used for television, so in fact it is a very modern construction.
It has 44 floors, it has 473.000 squared meters and it is 234 meters high, and it cost 850.000.000 €.
Arco de la defensa by Pedro Biain
Is a monument and building in the business district of La Défense and in the commune of Puteaux, to the west of Paris, France. It is usually known as the Arche de la Défense or simply as La Grande Arche. A 110 meter high cube, La Grande Arche is part of the perspective from the Louvre to Arc de Triomphe. The distance from La Grande Arche to Arc de Triomphe is 4 km.
Its oviously cubed shaped in the middle and with strange rectangular shaped in the outside
It was created by 4 architects:
It was built from 1985 to 1990 and its situated in the west of paris taking part of the business neighbourhood
His function is only for business.
In the low part its made of concrete to support 300 000 t of the building. Then the rest ist mainly marble with some glass or aluminium
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