
Thursday, April 11, 2019

MY TOTEM ANIMAL Héctor Prieto 3rd D


Héctor Prieto Sánchez 3rd D


I feel identified with the goat because it is my horoscope animal.
    The goat is a vertebrate animal, mammal and herbivore with horns, a kind of beard and fur all over the body.
Nowadays the goat is a farm animal that is used for milk, cheese and leather.
  According to mythology the goat was a highly venerated animal in Mendes in Egypt. It was forbidden to kill her, because they believed that Pan, great divinity of this city, had hidden under the figure of a goat because of this he was represented with the face of this animal.
While in Mendes this animal was revered and the sheep immolated, in Tebaida on the contrary they venerated the sheep and sacrificed the goats. Among the Greeks, they were consecrated to Jupiter, in memory of the nymph Amalthea who was the nurse of Jupiter and who is represented as the goat that nursed him in a cave in Crete. The Spartans immolated Juno. The Romans in their medals, represented Juno Sospila with a goat skin.

In Spain the goat its also very important for the  Spanish militar legion

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

"Totem Animal" by Alejandro Morís Lara

                                            My totem Animal 

              I have choosen the bird. The bird is a vertebrated which live all oround the world. The great majority can fly except for the penguin. They have a peak and usually fur. Some examples of this animals can be the buzzard, the baker bird or the canary. Birds were very special in greek mythology. The "AVE FENIX" was considered sacred. This bird was expected to burn out and reborn, greek people made a methafora with life, "don´t be afraid of dieying because you will reborn". Humans associate birds with wisseness, aim and to chill out probably because birds always have the same roll in films and in videogames. In tattoo world, birds have became very popular, specially during the last decade, they express freedom and luck.

           I have choosen this animal because I think it represents me in the way that I don´t like having frontiers, I like beeing free.

Alejandro Morís Lara 3ºChttps://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjrsZPPyMHhAhVDXhoKHexTCk8QjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fes.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FPasser_domesticus&psig=AOvVaw1sZqQyuaXDQc0_QMhlmtpk&ust=1554849690258621  (link to a photo of a bird)


"Totem Animal" by Alejandro Morís Lara

                                            My totem Animal 

              I have choosen the bird. The bird is a vertebrated which live all oround the world. The great majority can fly except for the penguin. They have a peak and usually fur. Some examples of this animals can be the buzzard, the baker bird or the canary. Birds were very special in greek mythology. The "AVE FENIX" was considered sacred. This bird was expected to burn out and reborn, greek people made a methafora with life, "don´t be afraid of dieying because you will reborn". Humans associate birds with wisseness, aim and to chill out probably because birds always have the same roll in films and in videogames. In tattoo world, birds have became very popular, specially during the last decade, they express freedom and luck.

           I have choosen this animal because I think it represents me in the way that I don´t like having frontiers, I like beeing free.

Alejandro Morís Lara 3ºChttps://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjrsZPPyMHhAhVDXhoKHexTCk8QjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fes.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FPasser_domesticus&psig=AOvVaw1sZqQyuaXDQc0_QMhlmtpk&ust=1554849690258621  (link to a photo of a bird)