
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Doing polyhedra 3D Projection


Cylinder in cavalier perspective

Cylinder in isometric perspective

 Cylinder in isometric 


Tuesday, December 11, 2018

UNIT 3- Lesson plan about polyhedra


  1. Worksheets about polyhedra perspective: PRISM, PYRAMID, CONE and CILINDER. In the classroom 

2. Searching teamwork ( 1,2 or 3 members maximum)
Look for 1 bulding, at least, related to polyhedron shape, e.g. prism-shape.                               AT HOME

Send image and text to maiteprofededibujo@gmail.com
The text must be very brief considering:
  • AUTHOR (short biography)
  • MATERIALS: Concrete, wood, glass, steel etc..

Give your opinion using  the most suitable adjective for it:
  • Straight, Leaning, , Well-balanced/Imbalanced, 
  • Amazing/ Boring, Original,
  • with perceived lightness/tension,
  • Stillness (Dynamic) /motionlessness
  • Huge/ Tiny
  • Elegant/ Extravagant


3.- Designing a sculpture cube-shaped based.

  • Each of you have to find a place where you would like to position your sculpture. Take a photo of this place and send me by email.
  • Draw some sketches about your different ideas of your sculpture using cubes. You can add some of them, overlapping, cut, transform, intersect etc. Think also about materials for its construction.
  • Finally, I will choose the best of your drafts  for doing bigger an in colours.
  •  We will insert definitive design in the space choosen, using any digital app like Paint, Photoshop, Gymp etc

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Drawing polyhedra

This task has three parts:
1- In the classroom, you are going to do some sketches from several wooden models. 

2- You also will draw different bottles and boxes related to polyhedric shapes present in the classroom. Little by little, you have to understand firstly the general structure adjusting sizes, proportions, volumen.. Finally, draw shades and shadows to obtain a better effect of reality.

 3- HOMEWORK- Choose things at home that it would be avaliable in order to create a composition, using prism-shaped, cylinder shaped , cone-shaped, pyramid-shaped, sphere-shaped, cube-shaped etc..

Monday, November 12, 2018


Net (polyhedron)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The eleven nets of a cube
In geometry a net of a polyhedron is an arrangement of edge-joined polygons in the plane which can be folded (along edges) to become the faces of the polyhedron. Polyhedral nets are a useful aid to the study of polyhedra and solid geometry in general, as they allow for physical models of polyhedra to be constructed from material such as thin cardboard.[1]
An early instance of polyhedral nets appears in the works of Albrecht Dürer, whose 1525 book Unterweysung der Messung mit dem Zyrkel und Rychtscheyd included nets for the Platonic solids and several of the Archimedean solids.[2]

 Image extracted from http://yesicabarreracano5.blogspot.com/2013/03/curvas-los-metodos-de-la-geometria.html
Drawings made by "2015/16 3rd. level" students

César Valverde by Lucía Gil

César Valverde Vega was born in San José on the 8 of March in1928. He died the 3 of Decembre on 1998.He was a Costa Rican painter, writer and lawyer. He was also a planner, public official and diplomat. He was one of the first muralists in Costa Rica and a member of Grupo Ocho, a group of Costa Rican artists who introduced abstract art in Costa Rica in the 1960s, which generated an artistic revolution in the national environment. 

Professor and then director of plastic arts at the University of Costa Rica, he was Vice Minister of Culture during the administration of Rodrigo Carazo Odio (1978-1982), received the Aquileo J. Echeverría National Prize for painting three times, and wrote several books, including a short novel. 

He is considered one of the great masters of the avant-garde of Costa Rican art.

Sunday, May 13, 2018


Hola, estudiantes


Vuestra actividad es muy similar a la de vuestros compañeros pero cambiando algunas cosas.
1- Primer paso, haréis varias versiones de vuestro retrato ( autorretrato) y de los retratos de vuestros compañeros. Sois libres de usar la técnica y los colores que queráis.
2- De todos ellos, escogeremos uno y lo vais a realizar utilizando la técnica del collage con revistas, periódicos, fieltros etc.
Os adjunto varios ejemplos para haceros una idea.

1st level the latest task

Hi, students!
This exercise is about THE PORTRAIT.
a)FIRST STEP- Your self-portrait:
Draw a simple sketch pointing the parts of the face explained in the classroom

b)SECOND STEP: Practicing the portrait using your classmate as a model.

c) THIRD STEP. Do 4 versions of your self portrait.
First, you have to divide a drawing worksheet into four parts.
In each part you will create a different version of your self portrait, for example,
one using dots, another one using lines, others applying several techniques...
(black and white and in colours)

Tercero ESO EPVA

Los alumnos de tercero de Plástica no bilingüe, van a realizar la misma actividad que sus compañeros de los grupos bilingües.
Para todos, la fecha límite será aproximadamente el 12 de junio. Por confirmar. Aquí os pongo unos ejemplos.
web de referencia https://sites.google.com/site/teresacuestadelacal/plano

3rd. level

Hi, everybody

Dear learners

We are going to start the latest period of the course so here I attach the next task for you. Don´t hesitate! Ask for helping! No doubts!